King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality held on 20 November 2024 the Local Economic Development Forum at Mthatha Stadium.
The Rural Economic Development Department in doing their work is guided by a number of legislations, but the municipality and its stakeholders had gathered to align with the objectives of local government as stated in Section 157 of the Constitution of South Africa, which states that the institution needs to ensure that there’s community and community organisations involvement in matters of local government.
The RED Department took a resolution to host sectoral LED forums to be able to address key issues that are affecting that particular sector. In the previous quarter, the LED Forum focused on Micro, Medium and Micro Entreprises (MSMEs) in line with the strategic pillars of KSD LED Strategy.
The main aim of the session was to engage and deliberate on how best the municipality can improve the unique competitive advantage that the municipality has in the tourism sector to alleviate poverty and create jobs for communities.