KSD Municipality Executive Mayor Cllr G.N. Nelani is pleased to announce that the Municipality has received an unqualified audit opinion for the two consecutive years from the Auditor General of South Africa.

This achievement demonstrates our commitment to sound financial management and accountability in the utilization of pubic funds for 2022/2023 financial year.

The unqualified audit opinion indicates that the financial statements of KSD Municipality present a true and fair view of its financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. It also highlights the effectiveness of our internal controls and financial management practices.

KSD Municipality takes great pride in this accomplishment as it reflects the desiccation to transparency, integrity, and responsible governance. This also is a reflection on good governance especially, with the current administration which assumed office in November 2021.

The Municipality is making significant progress in various areas that contribute towards achieving its vision. Recently, KSD Municipality has also achieved the status of a secondary city, which is a major milestone in our journey towards becoming a Metropolitan Municipality.

While this unqualified audit is a positive outcome, it is also crucial for us to not be complacent but remain proactive and continuously improve our processes to maintain a high level of performance.

The Executive Mayor would like to express gratitude to all the staff members involved and stakeholders for their support in maintaining high standards of financial management.

This achievement would not have been possible without the collective efforts of our team and the implementation of best practices in financial management. We will continue to build on this success by further strengthening our internal controls, enhancing our financial reporting process, and investing in the professional development of our staff.

KSD Municipality remains committed to delivering quality services to our residents and ensuring the effective utilisation of public resources. We will continue to work diligently to maintain our unqualified audit record, uphold the trust and confidence place in us by our community to eventually get a clean audit.    

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