Mthatha City became glamorous when KSD Executive Mayor, Councillor Dumani Zozo switched on the lights to mark the start of the festive season. The night sky was glittering by fireworks and streets were dazzling with Christmas lights. The city hall was packed to its capacity on Wednesday evening, 13 December 2017 by KSD community and dignitaries that attended this spectacular occasion.
Delivering his welcoming remarks, the Acting King for AbaTembu – Aah Zanelizwe emphasized how important it is to be united as a nation, “let us start an initiative where we celebrate all the different cultures in South Africa. Just recently, we were celebrating and honouring the late Dr Nelson Mandela who was a symbol of unity and Ubuntu, we must follow his steps. Our nation will not prosper when the children are not educated therefore, parents should refrain from allowing their children to drop out of school at a young age”, concluded the King.
The podium was then taken by the main speaker of the event, Executive Mayor who started off by commending KSD staff for a job well done as there are no audit queries in the latest audit outcomes. “We are gathered here to inject some hope to the people of KSD as we started this year on a bad patch as a result of the storm that left many of the people homeless. We then committed an amount of R45 million to build 260 homes ensure the dignity of the people is restored.”
He further touched on KSD economic model and a drive to attain Metro status by 2022. “Power cuts have lessened, even when there is power interruption, the turn over time has also decreased, this is as a result of the R160 million that was set aside by the Provincial Treasury for the upgrades. About one thousand five hundred (1500) households have been electrified in different areas of KSD since the previous year.”
“Expansion of R61 to ease traffic congestion is underway and we have plans in place to construct underneath pedestrian bridges between Vedgesville and Ultra City to curb accidents caused by road crossings in the area. We are rebuilding our infrastructure with the aim to make KSD a municipality of choice and investor attraction” he emphasized.
The Executive Mayor also issued a stern warning to tavern owners and explicated that Municipal by-laws supersede what is entailed in the Liquor Board operating license so taverns should not dodge closing times or they will face the music.
Finishing his speech, the Executive Mayor said “the Municipality has signed a partnership with the City of Surrey Municipality in Canada. The partnership is targeting at creating 500 permanent jobs for women and youth. This collaboration will focus on areas such as creative arts, Tourism and agriculture.” He then wished all KSD residents a merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. However, he also called on drivers to desist from drinking and driving to avoid road accidents while calling a stop to the abuse of women and children.