King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality launched a mobile library on Thursday 19 April 2018 at Gengqe SSS in Mqanduli. This initiative comes as an intervention to bring library services in schools that lack library facilities in their areas. Gengqe SSS is one of the school targeted for these services on wheel as it attained 14% low pass rate during 2017 matric results. The 8 ton truck that costs R1,3 Million is equipped with 5 laptops and the internet connection for learners to search information on the net. A librarian has been assigned to mend the facility.
KSD Executive Mayor, Cllr Dumani Zozo encouraged learners to make use of this facility as it will assists in their studies “ this facility alone will not make you (students) to pass but you have to be willing and make time to visit the library and focus on your studies. Knowledge empowers a person to be an independent thinker and enables people to make better choices in life” he said.
The Municipality also made arrangements with Asemahle Management System, (a company appointed by Google to provide free digital literacy skill on South Africa) to train grade 12 students of Gengqe SSS on Google Digital Skills for free. About 300 young people of KSD already received this training and their certificates were handed over to Executive Mayor on their behalf

The Executive Mayor also handed over a full school uniform to 14 needy learners of Gengqe SSS. The Principal of the school, Ms Zimasa Pantshwa appreciated the efforts of the Municipality of bringing the services and was adamant that the situation will be improved. The mobile library will visit the school twice a week and will also visit other schools around KSD that are far from library service centres. The Municipality will draft a rotational schedule for schools/ learners regarding the dates of the visits. The event was wrapped up with a cutting of ribbon by Executive Mayor and viewing of the library. Recently, the Municipality was at ward 23 to introduce a contractor for the construction of 11 km road which will be spread across the ward