King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality held the Greenest Ward Competition Awards function to honour ward 8, 4 and 3 as winners.

The momentous occasion, which took place on 28 June 2024 at Mthatha Stadium, saw Ward 8 claim the top spot and was awarded R2 million worth of waste and environmental incentives, followed by Wards 4 and 3 in second and third place, receiving incentives worth R700 000.00 and R300 000.00, respectively.

The competition drive is amongst the basket of initiatives bringing life to the King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality Vision 2030, under the theme of “the River”.  This theme, is one of the five Vision 2030 thematic areas. It seeks to ensure that KSD achieves sustainable development by keeping pristine, clean, green and balanced ecosystems.

Accordingly, the competition encourages community-driven environmental initiatives. Unique within the environmental competitions in the municipal industry in South African, the Greenest Ward Competition focused on Urban and Peri-Urban Wards.

It assessed waste and environmental management practises of the Wards. The winners have set the bar for all the other wards and are conveying a message that the community can keep their environment green.

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