The National Lotteries Commission has contributed a sum of R10 million to support the completion of Mthatha Stadium and will pump more funds in the next financial year, starting on April 2016.This was revealed by the Eastern Cape Premier, Mr Phumulo Masualle in a Press Conference held by Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture on the 17th of February 2016 at Mthatha Stadium. The purpose of the Press Conference was to inform the stakeholders about plans in place to finish the phase two of the stadium and sort out the problems that the current structure has due to the bad workmanship of the previous contractor.
KSD Executive Mayor, Councillor Nonkoliso Ngqongwa stated that the stadium does not accommodate KSD community only but Transkei region as a whole. She further mentioned that the revamping of the stadium is part of Development Plan of reviving Vulindlela Heights and upgrading of electricity.
“The Provincial Government made efforts to find sources of funding to complete the stadium after a big outcry from the community of this region that the stadium is not complete” said the Premier.
He continued saying that the development of the facility will contribute in the economy of this area. “The city itself is the direct beneficiary compared to other stakeholders as the local economy will be boosted”
Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, MEC Pemmy Majodina clarified that these funds from National Lotteries will be managed by Eastern Cape Sports Council and a Technical Steering Committee to implement the project has been appointed.
The Chairperson of Sport and Recreation Development Agency of National Lotteries Commission, Mr Mveleli Ncula explained that the Commission took a decision to support a project like this since it will contribute on the economy and the development of sport of this region. “There is a lot of talent that is not utilized and this project will assist on utilizing that talent. It will also assist on job creation” he said. He also told the audience that the Commission will assist the project for the period of three (3) years. KSD Director of Technical Services, Mr Zanemvula Ngovela stated that the upgrade will first give priority on areas that will make the stadium to be in standard that is required by PSL. Those areas include proper fencing of the stadium, installing telescopic tunnel, new goal poles, operational center for police, Media and VIP suites, temporal generator and general maintenance of the current building and pitch.
The current stadium takes 6000 spectators and the 2nd phase of it will be the addition of 15 000 seats to make 21 000 seats.