King Sabatha Dalindyebo Municipality ( KSD) participated in the World of Works event held on the 14-16 August 2019 in Durban with the Durban University of Technology, (DUT) KwaZulu Natal.
The aim of the engagements is to foster collaboration with various international role players in investment attraction and facilitate partnership development around new international concepts that can be piloted within KSD.

These include work currently being done in KZN around the SMART CITY Concept in line with the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The support needed by KSD focuses on research, innovation and economic development.

Together the leadership and the management teams held bilaterals with DUT to discuss potential partnerships on the implementation of the KSD Vision 2030 through the DUT’s Urban Futures Centre and DUT Co-operative Education Department. KSD will further create training as well as internship opportunities for local students (from KSD) currently studying in DUT. 
In the long term, this will work towards