King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality is one of the municipalities that were badly affected by the recent flooding disaster which occurred on the 23rd of April 2022. On Friday, 10 June 2022,  the AD HOC Joint Committee on Flood Disaster Relief and Recovery conducted an oversight visit in KSDM. The visit was to examine the damages caused by the April 2022 flooding disaster on communities and infrastructure.

In his presentation, KSD Executive Mayor Cllr Nyaniso Nelani discussed the impact of the disaster within the KSDM jurisdiction. He mentioned that twenty-five wards were affected, alluding to roads and bridges that were severely damaged as a result of the disaster.

In conclusion, His Worship the Executive Mayor stated that the municipality requires assistance in lobbying for financing for the afflicted roads.

The Adhoc Joint Committee proceeded to visit Ward 19 to assess the damage made by the April storm and the progress made in rebuilding of the houses there.

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