Mr. Mbuyiseli Mandla
Director: Local Economic Development

The mandate of the department

  • To create a conducive environment for private sector investment in the local economy
  • To facilitate the transformation of the second economy to contribute meaningful within the local economy


  • Facilitating development and refurbishment of economic infrastructure e.g
    • Special Economic Zone (SEZ),
    • Vulindlela industrial park
    • Agri-Park and rural economic hub
    • Small industrial hub e.g. Transido, Broadband connectivity and small radiation system
  • Providing business services and support to SMMEs and cooperative.
  • Promoting industrialization of local economy through industrial cluster and value chain development. Priority includes agriculture, tourism, forestry, retail, manufacturing and construction.
  • Stimulating an inclusive economic growth and development e.g. informal trading support and development.
  • Promoting inward investment both in green field and brown field sectors

The Functional Areas of Department of Local Economic Development are:  

  • The Economic Development function
  • Tourism
  • Major Events
  • Social development including Arts and Culture
  • Outdoor advertising and signage (environmental controls) and heritage resources management
  • Agricultural support and development
  • Sports & Recreation facilities
  • Business Improvement
  • Customer Information & Marketing
  • Nursery School Retirement Centres & Educational facilities
  • Parks Gardens and Swimming Pools
  • Libraries